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Date de publication : 19 janvier 2016 Date de clôture : 3 mai 2016
FCH2 JU « Fuel Cells and Hydrogen » (piles à combustible et hydrogène) est une entreprise commune (Joint Undertaking ) et a pour objectif principal d’accélérer la mise sur le marché des technologies développées dans ce domaine.
Les topics de l’appel 2016 qui peuvent intéresser les membres de NAE sont les suivants :
FCH-01-1-2016: Manufacturing technologies for PEMFC stack components and stacks
FCH-01-2-2016: Standardisation of components for cost-efficient fuel cell systems for automotive applications
FCH-01-3-2016: PEMFC system manufacturing technologies and quality assurance
FCH-01-4-2016: Development of industrialization-ready PEMFC systems and system components
FCH-01-7-2016: Improvement of compressed storage systems and related manufacturing processes in the perspective of automotive mass production
FCH-01-8-2016: Development of innovative hydrogen compressor technology for small scale decentralized applications for hydrogen refuelling or storage
FCH-02-11-2016: MW or multi-MW demonstration of stationary fuel cells
FCH-02-2-2016: Development of compact reformers for distributed bio-hydrogen production
FCH-02-4-2016: Co-generation of hydrogen and electricity with high-temperature fuel cells
FCH-02-5-2016: Advanced monitoring, diagnostics and lifetime estimation for stationary SOFC stacks and modules
FCH-02-6-2016: Development of cost effective manufacturing technologies for key components or fuel cell systems for industrial applications
FCH-02-8-2016: Large scale demonstration of commercial fuel cells in the power range of 20-100kW in different market applications
FCH-03-1-2016: Development of innovative hydrogen purification technology based on membrane systems

Pour en savoir plus : FCH2 JU CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2016