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Drones are taking parcel deliveries to new heights on a remote island where demand is high, through a new service touted as the first of its kind in Japan, reports asahi.com.

Thirty metres above the Seto Inland Sea, a small, unmanned drone glides through the sky after departing from Suda Port in Mitoyo for the Awashima islet four kilometres away. After a seven-minute flight, it arrives at the destination and automatically unloads the package to the ground. As there is only one small, family-run grocery store on Awashima, delighted islanders hope the novel delivery service is here to stay. Resident Takeko Asakura, enthuses, “It will prove to be of great help if a wider variety of products become available for delivery.”

Source : Japan: Drone delivers parcels and goods to remote island – Urban Air Mobility News